Proving that Hollywood Follows the Ballard Fashions

Putting the Scruff Back in Fashion
Oscar-winning imitation

Jeff Bridges has garnered an Oscar nomination for his spot-on imitation of The Man I Married. Unfortunately, The Dude has not given due credit to the scruffy Ballard local who inspired his Golden Globe-garnering portrayal of the washed-up musician who needs a good washing. The question remains, however—now that MIM’s wife (i.e. me) has forced MIM to shave off the unkissable Brillo Pad mustache, how long will it take for Mr. Bridges to follow in MIM’s ‘stache-less stead? All eyes should be upon Bad Blake’s upper lip on Oscar night.

Herein lies the photographic evidence. You decide. Has Jung’s theory of Scruff Synchronicity been proven once again? Or is this another case of Hollywood writers going undercover at the Lock Spot bar to see what the next trend in hair is going to be? We all know that MIM hasn’t watched television since the glory days of Erik Estrada, so there is no way that he is following media trends. Once again, he is smirking to the beat of his own strummer.